FAQ's for real estate wholesalers

REI Marketing Pro has written many questions to ease the difficulties of real estate wholesalers before starting our marketing services. If you have any query other than these, you can call or email us:
FAQ's for real estate wholesalers

1. Is SMS marketing effective in real estate wholesaling?

Yes, considering the high open rates and the opportunity for fast reaction that SMS marketing offers, it is an efficient method for real estate wholesaling.

2. What is the success rate of SMS marketing in real estate?

The success rate can vary but generally has a response rate of around 10%–30%, depending on the message quality and target audience.

3. How do you run a successful real estate SMS marketing campaign?

Target the right audience, craft concise and compelling messages, ensure compliance with regulations, and follow up consistently.

4. What are the benefits of ringless voicemail in the real estate industry?

It allows agents to reach potential clients without intrusive phone calls, saves time, and increases response rates. It further maintains trust and confidentiality that the conversations are secure.

5. Does real estate ringless voicemail adhere to TCPA rules?

Yes, but it must be used carefully, ensuring compliance with all TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulations. Following the guidelines according to the TCPA for ringless voicemails will provide security to the user.

6. What are the benefits of ringless voicemail?

Non-intrusive communication, cost-effective, scalable outreach, and higher engagement rates compared to cold calling.

7. Is cold calling effective in the real estate market?

Indeed, cold calling continues to be productive, but it needs tenacity, an appropriate script, and a quality list of prospects.

8. What is a good conversion rate for real estate cold calling?

A good conversion rate is typically around 1-3%, depending on the quality of leads and sales skills.

9. What is list pulling in real estate?

The process of retrieving a list of prospective property leads based on certain criteria, such as location or owner status, is referred to as “list pulling.”

10. What are some common mistakes to avoid in real estate list management?

Using outdated data, not segmenting leads, poor follow-up, and failing to update lists regularly.

11. How is CRM used in real estate?

CRMs play a crucial role in managing leads by storing and organizing client information in one centralized platform. They help track all interactions with potential and existing clients, providing a clear communication history. Additionally, CRMs automate follow-ups and reminders, ensuring consistent engagement and fostering stronger client relationships.

12. What is the easiest CRM for real estate wholesalers?

Some popular user-friendly CRMs for realtors include Podio, Airtable, REISift, and FollowUp Boss.

13. What is PPC in real estate?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) in real estate is a digital advertising strategy where realtors charge for every single click on their advertisements to drive traffic to their listings or websites.

14. How long should a PPC campaign last?

A pay-per-click (PPC) program should run for at least three to six months so that there is enough data to analyze. Marketers can use this time frame to see how success is changing over time, figure out what works, and make changes to their plans as needed. During this time, ongoing tuning helps raise the usefulness of ads, click-through rates, and return on investment, making the campaign more effective and efficient.

15. How does PPC management work?

PPC management involves keyword research, ad creation, budgeting, monitoring performance, and optimizing campaigns for better ROI.

16. How much should you spend on PPC per month?

Depending on the circumstances of the market, the competitors, and the goals that are being pursued, a typical monthly budget might be anywhere from $1000 to $5,000 or even more.